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Select Interviews Featuring Dr. Pensa

  • Doctor Money Matters, Episode 61

    Host: Dr. Tarang Patel

    “In this episode we talk with Gita Pensa MD, an emergency medicine physician and fellow podcaster who created an incredible podcast that is a must listen about lawsuits in medicine and the personal impact it had on her. Its a “Serial” type podcast which is extremely well done. I highly recommend it.”

  • Physicians on Purpose Podcast, Episode 18

    Malpractice Litigation and Burnout

    Host: Dr. Dike Drummond

    “In this episode we are very happy to have Dr. Gita Pensa, an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Brown University with expertise in digital medical education, a speaker on the topic of medical malpractice litigation/litigation stress, and the creator/host of the Doctors and Litigation: The L Word Podcast.”

  • Litigation and Stress, Part 1 and 2

    Interview with Dr. Mel Herbert of Emergency Medicine Reviews and Perspectives

    (Part 2 also available through button, navigate on right hand side of page)

  • Physicians' Guide to Doctoring: Doctor, You've Been Served (and Not In a Dance-Off): Part One

    Host: Dr. Bradley Block

    “We start out discussing her decade long lawsuit and how this affected her psyche, her practice, and her marriage. Victor Frankl would be proud as she turned her tumultuous experience into a way to help others through an extremely well executed, engaging, and educational podcast, “Doctors and Litigation: The L Word”. It is a narrative-style series about the psychological and practical preparation for malpractice litigation, and she speaks nationally on the topic of malpractice litigation. We talk about whether we’d be willing to be friends with a personal injury attorney and her answer was surprising. However, expert witnesses are a different story. Unfounded lawsuits couldn’t happen without them, and they are supposedly one of us. If you are named in a lawsuit, we discuss all the players and how to comport yourself to improve your outcome. Theatrics often trump the medicine in this situation.”

  • Doctor, You've Been Served: Part Two

    Host: Dr. Bradley Block

    “This is part 2 of 2 of my discussion with Dr. Gita Pensa, emergency medicine physician and host of the educational podcast, “Doctors and Litigation: The L Word”, a narrative-style series about psychological and practical preparation for malpractice litigation. We continue the discussion about how deposition is an audition for the trial and how important it is the play the part of the doctor everyone would want, not an arrogant physician who feels they know the medicine better than everyone. At trial, your goal is the be the caring, compassionate, knowledgeable doctor that the jury would want as their doctor. And what in the world does dancing have to do with her trial? We also discussed how this influenced her practice and how she got back to loving medicine again.”

  • An ER Doctor Was Sued. She Survived and is Thriving. Hear Her Story: Part 1

    Host: Dr. Jeff Segal

    Dr. Gita Pensa is an experienced ER physician. In 2007, Dr. Pensa was sued. Dr. Pensa eventually prevailed and is thriving – but it wasn’t easy. She went to court in 2011. A defense verdict was delivered – and then overturned in 2015. She prevailed again in 2019, 12 years after the saga began. Dr. Pensa is passionate about teaching other doctors how to survive legal turmoil. In addition to her work as an educator and an ER physician, Dr. Pensa operates her own podcast, Doctors and Litigation: The L Word. Her mission? Teach doctors how to survive malpractice litigation and thrive in the aftermath. We spoke to Dr. Pensa at length. Her insights are invaluable.

  • An ER Doctor Was Sued. She Survived and is Thriving. Hear Her Story: Part 2

    Host: Dr. Jeff Segal

    Part Two of the Medical Justice podcast featuring Dr. Gita Pensa