The Original Podcast Curriculum Exploring Malpractice Litigation and Litigation Stress

Interviews with physicians, attorneys, and psychologists support this series by Gita Pensa, M.D.


What Listeners Are Saying


Must listen for medical students, residents, and attendings!”

“Engaging, transparent, and eye-opening discussion on the topic of physicians and the legal world. I appreciate Dr. Gita Pensa’s candor with her own life experiences. Physicians are not taught how to navigate the legal world of medicine and this podcast helps provide a starting place. With input from physicians, lawyers, psychologists, it is a comprehensive discussion of how litigation affects us and our family members on multiple levels.”

— Theodore 560, Apple podcasts reviewe

“Thank you!”

“Great resource for anyone in the medical field and easily THE BEST podcast I have heard so far! Thank you Dr. Gita Pensa and all the doctors that opened up about their personal stories of going through this painful process of litigation.”

— Dahlia2, Apple podcasts review

“Wow! What a fantastic podcast!”

“Thank you, Dr Pensa for sharing your story and insights on this difficult and distressing issue. I was named in 2 suits all at once at the start of my emergency medicine career (one when I was still a resident) and, while I knew I wasn’t the worst Dr ever-it certainly made me feel that way! I got a true crash course on malpractice litigation! I always believed that if I provided the standard of care or above for all of my patients, that juries would see that and “right would win out”. Well, was I wrong!

These podcasts are a must listen for any resident or attending in any specialty of medicine. They will give you hope in the end that you can continue to practice and provide good care for your patients. The podcast is very timely in this time of COVID19.”

— Dr FB, Apple podcasts review